Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Simpsons Many Philosophical Uses

The Simpsons have been cited and used for philosophical teaching purposes in the classroom.
This is from a BBC article pertaining to the hidden wisdom one can glean from the Simpsons:
"The Simpsons is more than a funny cartoon - it reveals truths about human nature that rival the observations of great philosophers from Plato to Kant... while Homer sets his house on fire, says philosopher Julian Baggini. With the likes of Douglas Coupland, George Walden and Stephen Hawking as fans, taking the Simpsons seriously is no longer outre but de rigeur.It is, quite simply, one of the greatest cultural artefacts of our age. So great, in fact, that it not only reflects and plays with philosophical ideas, it actually does real philosophy, and does it well.How can a comic cartoon do this? Precisely because it is a comic cartoon, the form best suited to illuminate our age."

Read the full article here.

Also, there is a published book, "The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer" I first saw this book in the Bethel bookstore under the philosophy section of course and I was immediately intrigued. Here is the publishers website

Here is another article about the Simpsons in philosophy.

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